As a developer you might want to work with different development environments. As an example, I had to work with Java 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8 :D . When JDK changes all other stuff such as maven will also have to change.
One thing you can do is have everything in you bashrc or bash_profile and comment and uncomment the required environment variables. Believe me, I did that for a long time. duh...
Or else, you can have scripts to set your environment !!! (yay). One sh file would look like this
and the other would look like this
But we can't memorize where this files are to locate them always. That's where alias comes in.
Create .bash_aliases file in your home directory. Check whether this file is being sourced inside your bashrc or bash_profile.
Add aliases to the ~/.bash_aliases as follows
One thing you can do is have everything in you bashrc or bash_profile and comment and uncomment the required environment variables. Believe me, I did that for a long time. duh...
Or else, you can have scripts to set your environment !!! (yay). One sh file would look like this
export JAVA_HOME=/home/isuru/installs/jdk/jdk1.8.0_101
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
and the other would look like this
export JAVA_HOME=/home/isuru/installs/jdk/jdk1.7.0_79
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
But we can't memorize where this files are to locate them always. That's where alias comes in.
Create .bash_aliases file in your home directory. Check whether this file is being sourced inside your bashrc or bash_profile.
Add aliases to the ~/.bash_aliases as follows
alias java8='. /home/isuru/stuff/scripts/'
alias java7='. /home/isuru/stuff/scripts/'
In my machine both the script files are located under the directory /home/isuru/stuff/scripts. Make sure the sh files have execute permissions.
Now we are done here. Open a new shell and type in java8. and then java -version. Type in java7 and the java -version. See the magic :P
If you are following a routine everyday executing shell scripts, or some other stuff, put them in a single sh file and do register it as an alias. Will make your life easier.
If you are following a routine everyday executing shell scripts, or some other stuff, put them in a single sh file and do register it as an alias. Will make your life easier.
If opening a new terminal really hurts, you can source the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file. You can stay where you are in the current terminal and yet get the benefits of alias. See below to uncover a secret ;)
When we open a new terminal the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile automatically sources :D :D