- We need multiple executions ( We need to copy from different sources to different destinations) . That's why we need the <executions> tag. Inside this tag we can define several executions using <execution> tag.
- First, I have to copy some libs. I give an id to that process as <id>copy-libs</id>
- Maven build life cycle has several phases. We need to use "process-resources" phase with the goal "copy-resources"
- When packaging the web-app, maven takes the project folder from the target directory and creates the war file. In my case, it takes the my-project folder and packages its content to a war file. This happens in the package phase.
- We add the basic configuration in the <configuration> tag. <outputDirectory> specifies the destination to copy.
- In the <resources> tag we can add multiple <resource> elements. Everything we put in here, will be copied to the above destination.
- To copy to another destination, we simply need another execution.
- The second execution copy-xml is slightly different from copying resources. Some xml files needed to be copied to the destination of classes.
- After the process-resources phase there comes compile phase where maven compile all the classes to the target/classes directory. So we take the required xml files and copy them to the relevant destination in the target/classes/...
- we pick the xml files from src/main/java/com/blogspot/techytunes/my-project/dao and copy them to target/classes/com/blogspot/techytunes/my-project/dao
- In the source directory (src/main/java/com/blogspot/techytunes/my-project/dao) we have .java files along with the xml. We use <excludes> tag to exclude .java files being copied to the destination.
- When maven is in his compile phase, he will compile the classes and put it to the target/classes directory
Thats it. Good or bad, comments are always welcome :D
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